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Hypothyroidism vegetarian diet - hypothyroidism vegetarian fare

01-02-2017 à 10:24:19
Hypothyroidism vegetarian diet
Homeo medicines work very fast in my body as I take Homeo medicines for all other illness. I am karthik P aged:28 years, i have been suffering from Hypothyrodism from the past 5 years. I am 30 years old married, I have suffering from hypothyroidism, I have constipation, buttock, and whole body is weighted sometime menses delay hair fall slow, in winter so cold feel, skin dryness. Plz suggest me any good medication for hypo. I get this euphoric feeling when I have what I consider to be healthy stool ( medium to large in circumference, firm, light brown, with ridges that look like the lining of my colon) my mood seems very much tied to my bowels. P 65 to 120 most of the time. please guide me. Doctor diagnosed me suffering from hypothyroidism and advised to take medicines. The patients requiring this medicine complain of very hard and difficult stool that is passed in small balls with excessive pain during the passing the stool process that continues for long time after the stool. I have gained 40 lbs in the past 2 months. I have gaining wait day by day even I am doing excersize and proper diet. 7 and doctors had advised THYROX 50 for three months. Earlier i was taking 75 mcg thyronorm but recently i have switched to 50 mcg. The last medicine Bryonia Alba can help in relieving those patients who complain of excessively hard and dry stool. And he said that medication could have the effect on my liver. I feel tired at evening without doing any labor. Stress otherwise. I am 35. Says that my joints r deposition of uric acid. She was having a sort pain in nerves which used be severe sometimes. I would like to start on a homeopathic remedy. Focus on ample vegetables, essential fatty acids (such as from olives, olive oil, and fish), and fermented foods to support healthy gut flora. 18. His stomac is increasing in ball shape. it never happened before. But after leaving it again pain starts. Feels heavy some hrs after eating fatty foods. 08 for hopothryroaid. Last year i had iodium then i detected with lumps in my thyroid and hyperthyroid. 5. At gym, I did not improve my biceps and my chest comparatively bigger than my biceps. 92. Sir,this is Virender Sharma and i am suffering from thyriod decease. So that when one looks at the symptoms of each medicine from the materia medica, one can select the right one. Such patients also complain of fullness in abdomen due to obstruction of flatus and desire to loosen the clothing to get relief. I want to start homeopathy treatment. I get this attack periodically without any warning. An unusual thirst for large quantities of water may be present in patients requiring Bryonia Alba. This medicine can be prescribed to those patients of hair fall who crave hot drinks and sweets. Sir,I m 49 year old man suffering from hypothyroid since April 16 Report of t3,t4normal TSH 16and antiTPO 1300. I am a pt of hypothyroidism with craving for sweet but avoid salt. Could I use Calcarea Carbonica, Sepia Officinalis, Graphites, andLycopodium Clavatum for my Miniature Schnauzer. weight is 70 Kgs. Doctors had no explanation for either of these, very real and somewhat life threatening episodes. He has all the classic signs of Hypothyroidism. My daughter has hypothyroid Her TSH is 9. Recently I went for thyroid test and found my TSH is 19. Sometimes I feel leg pain which goes away with Vitamin D3 supplement. I need help and I wonder if you can help me with homeopathic remedy. Intake of spices and coffee makes the patient worse. Also I get thick facial hair( nearly 5 on right side and 8 on left side) on my chin. Thyroxine has done nothing for me but give me dry skin, hair falls out, still really lethargic, heart palpitations all the time, very heavy periods, although this may be due to peri menopause, really, really cold all the time, even in the summer. Although during the treatment my TSH was under control, acne and hairfall problem was still present. Hello sir I am 36 year old woman. I have hypothyroidism and is under treatment for last 10 years. Vikas Sharma MD 696 Comments Homeopathic medicine for Hypothyroidism. 45 now. Could you please suggest the precautions to be taken for food and what type of thyroid do I have. 8. I have been taking levothyroxine na synthroid 0. Was on Allopathic med Thyrorom from Feb16 to May16. I have been under my GP now for almost a year going back and forth looking at my thyroid funtion. This homeopathic medicine is mainly prescribed to those patients of hypothyroidism who suffer from gastric troubles. wt should I do I never prefer allopathic medicine. She mentioned my hormones is affecting my thyroid. and I am gaining weight. I always feel some type of discomfort in my lower abdominal area as well as in my rectum. I require 12 hours of sleep per day to function. Lycopodium Clavatum is yet another natural homeopathic medicine for treating hair fall. My TSH is 5. Doctor, please let me know whether this treatment will cure her fully. The last medicine Sepia Officinalis is mainly indicted for treating the menstrual irregularities in thyroiditis patients. Please prescribe the medicine to reduce thyroid and fatness. Elephantitis in left leg since more than 45 years. I m not habitual of allopathy medicine I want the treatment in homeopathy. We got all tests done but TSH was 6. At 23, I got allergic rhinitis and it has become chronic until now along with Asthma. My grand mother had asthma. Please suggest me best medicine to treat these problems. Just to support immune system I am taking calcria Carg 30 and Nox vomica 30. 59. I also take meds for HIV and blood pressure. what you can recommend. Sir plz tell that if i am taking right no. I am person working in office and having sitting duty. 30, Thyronorm 100mcg 1 tablet taking since 6-7 years. I am 43. We got all tests done but TSH was 6. How do I get the tests I need and to get treated. But now I am better with one allopathy medicine. My height is 5 feet and my weight is 72kg. my tsh is in range now. Had grown from 78 to 94 when thyroid detected when TSH was 120. extream weakness inbdy,I am already a patient of oesteoarthritis. My daughter is 12 years old and is having a problem of long and heavy bleeding just before six months she had her menarche. She is 23 years Old. I started Synthroid 25mcg now it is 3. During winter, skin of my feet and palm get whiten and peeled off and new skin come after winter. Lack of interest in life and work not ambitious. Hi dear,i am Mr. It became clear, based on the research and the experience of many people, that a more stringent approach is often necessary. 5. I am Rajeshwari, I am having hypothyroidism for more than 9 years, I am almost 84 kg weight, fatigue extreme, hair loss, recently I tested thyroids blood test. I must take a large glass of lemon water and tea before motion. I need ur suggestion sir. When I did have menses, they were heavy and painful. Endo doc has suggested to do a thyroid surgery of the right thyroid which is non cancerous so is there any homeopathic medicines to cure the thyroid without having the surgery. I am a student of panchshil homoeopathic medical college,khamgaon. (Hormones making Thyroid think old). My weight 78 KGs for the past 4 years. I have small nodule in my neck last 8 month, my doctors said I could removed by surgery. I am taking synthroid 0. Masum,i am hypothoriod patient,it is two years running,i am 30 years oil male,i am from bangladesh,may i talk with you phsically in your chamber,my body is getting weak day by day,plz help me. Originally, I was taking 12. I suffer from urticaria and its intensity is growing over the years with age. my TSh level is 6. Initially my TSH was 6 and then i was taking thyronorm 50 mcg but it had decreased to 4. My daughter was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at the age of 20. I am feeling multi-symptoms like dizziness, numbness,loose stool,chilly and headache in my body. My weight is 92 and age is 41 please help me sir. Fill the Comment Form below -You can write about your problem To Dr. When I do this then again now within one week, I am feeling bitterness of Mania in my mood and behaviour. Menses. I first tested for thyroid during pregnancy in 2012 and took the gynec prescribed medication till 2013 throughout my pregnancy and delivery period. sir from India. She is taking thyroxine 25mg. I am a chronic patient of bipolar disorder and suffered in this disease on 23rd March, 2001. I start eating about lunch time and end about 6pm. The stool is mainly soft and clay like but it requires great straining to expel the stool due to sluggish action of rectum. Also i have severe hairfall since i started taking thyronorm. It takes 3-4 months to get my hair cut due to poor hair growth. Thank you for reading this and sending me any plan. The information posted by you on hypothyroidism is very useful. She has been taking iodium200x two doses morning and night every month followed by iodium30x two doses morning and. Also severe pain and stiffness of the body. and my lipid profile is norkal B12 reading is 151 and Vitamin D 17. Please tell me if its because of me that I have not conceived yet or is he also responsible. body vitamin d is very very low due to this very high trygliceride level(198). This medicine works wonderfully in treating the obstinate constipation in hypothyroid patients. However, if I change dosage levels fluctuate and I start feeling lethargy. I get cold frequently very often and easily. 23. Kindly inform the Homeopathy medicine instead of Eltroxin 100mcg (Thyroxine sodium tablets IP). I donot feel like having any energy to do work or study. The mental symptoms that are to be considered for its use in hypothyroid patients is extreme irritability and indifferent behaviour towards family members who were earlier very much loved. I am suffering from hypothyroidism from 15 year ago. We have been trying to concieve now for 8 months and nothing is happening. Please suggest best medicine for me to cure thyroid. Can I take Calcarea Carbonica and Sepia Officinalis both for my problem. Currently I am using Epival 500 mg (2 tablets), Hapicit 20 mg (1 tablet), Risp 1mg (1 tablet) and Kempro (1 tablet) for bipolar disorder treatment. I thing homoeopathic treatment is good if i have to take it life long. 6 days of period black in colour and only stane after that it become more and more bleeding. Kindly suggest remedies for hypothyroidism applicable to my symptoms. As a result I have been having blood tests to keep an eye on my thyroid function. I take treatment from my doctor (allopathic), get regular blood tests done, take all prescribed medicines. I am considering changing to homeopathic medicine for my underactive thyroid which I have had for 8 years now. The symptom guiding towards its use is profuse menstrual flow containing dark clots. Just got blood report done as suddenly there was weight gain of 3-4 kgs. I m thyroid patients from last 10 years and depression and hytus hernia also. Pl. Hoping you can prescribe some medicines that will help me tackle my fatigue and weight gain. I feel like my thyroid is messing with my whole body. Please, if you can help in any way I will be most appreciative. 29. 9 and high uric acid level. Calcarea Carbonica: Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carbonica assumes the top most position in homeopathy for treating hypothyroid cases. I love to eat but have stopped eating as by sugar level rises. Symptoms slight hair fall, feet sole gets cool fast. cant wake up early. Since thyroid not able to concentrate well feel tiredness all the time right from morning. is 34 kg. 90, TSH-4. 63. I am 45 years old. This diet can be followed from 10 to 60 days or longer. I got my thyroid test done and my reports shows the T3 and T4 are normal whereas my TSH level is above the normal i. I developed hashimoto thyroiditis 2 years back and now I am in hypo phase. I have gained weight Lal over especially Arms back And waist. Pain in abdomen usually precedes the expulsion of stool. I feel very chill sensation if barefoot on floor. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a few years ago. Any medicine in homeopathy which treat my thyroid and also nodule. Please suggest which medicines are to be taken to reduce the TSH Level. Please suggest if I can start using Calcareia Carbonica. My wife,age 60 yrs suffering from thyorids since last 10 years. I have been suffering from high TSH since last 5 years, I have been taking thyronorm, when I use this medicine my TSH is in control when I stop again it increases, Since last couple of month I am using TYHORDINUM 3X along with my THYRONORM but doctor has aksed to discontinue homepathy medicine. Sepia Officinalis: Sepia Officinalis is also a significant homeopathic medicine for treating the hypothyroid patients. I have already high bp since 2years and recently attache hypothyroidism tsh. 210, n t4 5. This means i am suffering from thyroid disease. I wanted to know, is there a cure for such extreme cases with Homeo treatment. but I have low iron. You have given very important guidelines to homoeopaths who tre. Aloha dr Sharma, I have presented with thyroid problems since having a baby 1990. Just want to know is there any homoeopathy cure of this. Just want to know is there any permenant cure for my issue or will have to take medicine life long, my wieght does increases but with regular jogging and exercise i have controlled my weight. My weight always between 69 to 71 kg. I have gained weight (not obese) even though I am quite active. But tsh is 5. For this above result i. i consulted a physician and after certain blood test. 0,kindly suggest remedy to treat the disease. From last two years I am suffering from at gain and sleepiness. I would like to pay for your consultation. However this diet is powerful therapy on its own. so please advice my deit and best medician for me. 08 for hopothryroaid. sir, could you please suggest any other medicine which will give her more relief. or best meficine in Homropayhy Available. Her height is 4 ft 10 inch, and she is gaining weight in spite of controlling food intake, her current weight is 86 kgs, which is a matter of concern. I am not sure if I would react best to calc carb, sepia, Lycopodium or possibly something completely different. Now, I am also suffering from tooth decay and bleeding-gum. For using Calcarea Carbonica, the symptoms of excessive perspiration on scalp, obesity and craving for boiled eggs along with chilliness are given utmost importance. Could you suggest a medicine for subclinical hypothyroidism. Am diagnosed with hypothyroidism, with high levels of TSH (16). Iam taking homeo medicine. 6. Love tea and cofee and like it very hold. good sleeps. Progressed to gastrointestinal problems which makes me very careful with my diet. But TSH is 7. love to eat spicy food. I was not able to do daily household work due to fatigue and tiredness. Please tell me how long should i continue medicines to get this under control. request you to please guide us for homeopath medicine treatment for the same. What people frequently fail to realize is that underlying all of the more complicated scientific approaches in the book is the most important foundation of all—your diet. pls dr suggest what i have to do. When I got the first round of blood work back, my thyroid had no reading. Can take cold better than heat. Certain peculiarities in eating habits like craving for boiled eggs, desire for indigestible things like chalk, pencils, lime, and aversion to take fats also guide towards its use in patients of hypothyroidism. I am veg. In spite of taking medicine (telma-am), my bp is not under control. kindly please suggest some remedy. nd gaining weight hairfulll. Graphites: Graphites is mainly used for those patients of hypothyroidism who are very obese and take on cold very easily. On bp medicine of telmisat 40 one tab before sleep. i am vegetarian. Also please confirm how many months will it take to reach normal TSH level. The first homeopathic medicine Alumina gives excellent results in treating the trouble of constipation in a hypothyroid patient. My TSH is higher to 34. Calcarea carb, Sepia,Lycopodium, Graphites and Nux Vomica are the leading homeopathic remedies for hypothyroidism. I started Homeopathic treatment in Oct 2013 till Dec 2014 but no improvement in Hypothyrodism. I have severe acidity problem and constipation problem also. 5 years. My biggest physical complaint are my bowels I go all day long everyday as soon as I start eating. Some say that you devolop diabetics if you continue long on medication. I Am getting breathing problems also there lot of weigth gain bloting belly also sudden weight gain till 65 kg before 4 months I losses 4 kg and my weight was 61. And menses are profuse long lasting, and Hb is 7. It was diagnosed in 2008, though I suspect it was present much earlier, though less pronounced. I have hypothyroid problem please suggest proper medicine. My normal temp. I am hypothyroid and 10 months post pardum and breastfeeding. Homeopathic Remedies for treating hair fall in patients of Hypothyroidism. Hi Doct Sharma, my wife gets illness,weakness,fever and anxiety after having sex. thereafter i have been taking the prescribed medicines. kindly suggest medicine. From 2014-2015 I m gaining weight n gained 5 kg in one year. severe gas acidity. The patient requiring this medicine is very chilly and even faints in an extreme cold environment. She is dead against english medicine but open to Homeo. My age is 45 and I am diahonsed hypothyroidism and my thyroid test results are as following. Then i didnt get this medicine for few 2 months and I repeated the test. pl suggest me. Seems my hair has stopped thinning but has not regrown. this is my new problem. she gain weight in last 2 years. Although, i sleep for 8 hours but always feel like sleep-deprived. once before 2years tsh was 10. 07 and t3-0. I am a hypothyroid patient since last 7-8 years. Last week i got my blood tests and found out the following results of Thyriods. Homeopathic medicines for dealing with cold intolerance in hypothyroid patients. she is taking 125mcg Althtroxin. is there any treatment for my symptoms in homeopathy. I am suffering from hypothyroidism. taking psychiatric medicines. And after marriage or pregnancy time this thyriod may occur some bad thing. I have few symptoms like fatigue, My finger tips get cold during winters but in summer i am heat intolerant, neck shoulder pain, but no other symptom like constipation, thinning of hair, weight gain or loss, irritation etc. Thanks for your co-operation rendered on my request. Natrum Muriaticum is a very good homeopathic medicine for dealing with hair fall cases in persons suffering from hypothyroidism. Next homeopathic medicine Ferrum Mettalicum can prove to be very efficacious in those women who complain of excessive bleeding during menses where the blood is pale and watery leading to anemia and weakness. Hypothyroid patient since 10 y. Dec. Comment: My report of thyroid test is as above. I think I see people, who are not there, in my periferral vision. 8. Main complaint weightain. Dr Sharma I am having hypothyroid which was diagonised 3 months back tsh 11. Beginning with depression, hair thinning and dry skin. i am47 y old lady. My inner ears hurt and I hear ringing all of the time. Natural Homeopathic remedies for hypothyroidism are highly effective and especially useful for people who want to avoid the side effects of prescription drugs. Is there any homopethic remedy that can treat my thyroid with out harming my organ. Concentration to my study is becoming lower day by day. 7, feeling cold in warm weather,heart beat first at the morning and throughout the day. Mildly. we r from Jamshedpur. plz reply with treatment thanks Mrs. 68 maximum hairfall gas problem hearing problem acute pimples and poor memory which medicine is suits for me. An unusual excessive craving for acidic things and pickles can also be present. She gave me Lachesis and Thyroidinum as well as Sanguinaria. I have been taking this medicine for 1 month. I am of the weight of 55 kgs. I have been suffering from Hypothyroidism from a number of years now. Can you please let me know the potency of Cal carb and the frequency. 5 mm in left lobe. 2. Plz suggest me how to get rid of this problem. I have tried many herbal and ayurvedic remedies but symptoms go worst. I am suffering from hypothyroidism. Form 2 years back homeo medicine i used. I was on thyroxine 88 MCG per day and got to have tsh level tested 0. The readings on 13th day were as follows. Sweet also. approximately 15 kgs weight gain. Only 2 or 3 days. I also suffer from constipation and swollen feet. I had 3 children since then. And in ultrasound I was diagnosed with PCOD on both ovaries of 5mm. I m 48 yrs. My fathers mother had serious thyroid problem and died from complications of her thyroid. she have bulky pituatry gland. Also one month the tag was high but from 3 to 4onths tsh is reducing. My son is now one, I try an eat healthy I exercise regularly and still I am nearly 12 stone at 5ft 1. What can I do I really have heard that the homeopathy can really help and I am just not sure where or what to start on. 95 and my throid proxidase was 270. Doctor had prescribed a small dose of tablets to regulate cholesterol and BP. What is the best OTC med. what kind of medicine should I take and how much time. And tsh 8. I have taken BROMIUM-200 02 DOSW, my doctor told me to wait for 05 days. need yr advice. and swelling in my leg. I feel too cold and too hot because of slight changes in weather. When I have the need to have a bowel movement I rarely have much notice, almost as soon as I know I need to go is when I need to hurry to the toilet. Are the homeopathic remedies for hypothyroidism to be taken independent of one another or can you combine the ones that encompass your symptoms. 6. If you could suggest something would be really kind. Whatever i eat that causes me extreme level of acid and heartburn. My Dr will not do a complete panel. Also my daily working routine is 6pm to 3 AM office(night shifts for continuous 8 years now) As tested,. I usually have small hard pellets of stool followed by very loose almost explosive stool, my nose ALWAYS runs when I have a bowel movement. 08. I am 26yrs old married female lady with no issue right now. Please suggest homeopathic medicine for treating this problem. I recently found out that I have hypothyroidism. 6. Please give me your valuable suggesions on my problems. everything is OK but THS is 4. I have also had weight gain and continue to get depressed for no reason. He suggested me thyroid test and my results are. Would you please suggest me homeopathic medicine for me. I am controlling my weight,plz suggest me what should I do to cure my thyroid. I am an active woman and an avid sailor, I meditate and live with gratitude and compassion, or at least I try to. I am also anaemic and am having hair fall. Prefer isolation no interest in mingling with people. I exercise on and off and lose motivation very quickly. Whilst I was pregnant with my son i gained weight. It seems I am in early stages of Hypotheridisum. Now also I have constipation problem and I am tryingfor my 2nd child. Next medicine Silicea mainly suits obstinate kind of people who are extremely sensitive to cold and who have offensive perspiration on feet. I have got 1 child of 4 yrs old. I shoulkd start with the medicines or get the tests done agaiin from other laboratory. usman. I took Thyroxin for 2. 82) Please advise. My periods are normal for 3 days and cycle repeats in 28 days. that period timing went to 13. Kindly suggest homoeopathic remedy. Taking Eltroxin 200 mg from last two years. I took 3 tablets of Thyroxine for 2 weeks and my TSH fell to 2. Dont know if she shoud wash her hair more or brush more or what. if any issue for my future life. I am suffering from body ache,weight gain,Mood swing and lethargic so pl. with TSH level 22. From the given description and respective medicine, I feel Graphites is most suitable to my symtoms. of med. Also, have pain in both calves this happens till a week and later on she recovers. I am on armour thyrpid quarter strenth and losartan 25mg for high blood pressure. Thyroid Stimulation Report of my wife is 68 instead of 0. My wife Rutuja age 34, having hypothyroidism which is detected 7-8 years back when she was having difficulty in conceiving. Then my right eye became proptosis ruined me my whole look changed I had radiation 10 treatments. I am 39 year old, having thyroid for one year npw and having medicine 25 mg now. 01 I wanted to know. My age is 25 years and my weight is 74 kgs. I m 30 year old house wife staying in saudi Arabia having two sons,last week i was feeling dizy,hedach,gass,weakness,then gone to dr she found myTSH level was 5. I was not able do my daily activites due to tiredness and bodypain. sometime I feel shiver in my spinal area. Please advice if we can stop alopathy and continue homoeopathy. At first he wanted me to go on to medication but then relendted after I was reluctant to have to go onto them for life. Hello sir I am having tsh 7. Hello Dr I Mrs pundit from nashik would like too help me my tsh is report is reducing continuously from past month below given level. But if I am sitting in an AC room, I feel cold. Kindly suggest me Homeopathic medicine, so that she could use it. I take 50 mg thyroxin tab daily recommended by my doctor for hypothyroid symtom since 12 years. sujjest me homeo cure. Finaly after lab testing i know TSH Level thyriod to affected my body. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carbonica works well in controlling the excessive weight gain in patients due to hypothyroidism. If tsh 14. I have been on the strictest of diets and most rigid training but my weight wont even drop. After taking medicine his count was 35 and motility 30%. If some more medicines are required please suggest us. My friends daughter suffering hypothairod from brith please answer it can cure. Please suggest me some useful medicine regarding this and tell me if any tests are needed further. I believe in homeopathy and have used it for other things. PS: now my body wants to eat every things I see,lucky I work every day job keep me moving physically. My daughter suffers from temporary hair loss called alopecia and I am sure it is because of thyroid problem while being pregnant. I also take feburic40, for high uric acid, dr. Another small hypoechoic nodule 7. Dear DrHomeo I am suffering from hypothyroid from last 4 years can I ask me hypothyroid desise completely curable treatment by homeopathy medicine. 10 height, from last one year i am over weight 89kg, hypothyroidism 5. Hi, i am 43 yers old suffering from hypothyroid for last 20 years atleast. Currently I am on thyronorm 150 mg medication, but levels seems not to be in control. When they listened to my heart and began to listen to my neck that I realized thai it could be my thyroid. Sir my wife is suffering from hyperthyroidism since last 4 years. So please sugest me for homeo treatment. Though my weight hasnt moved from 68 kgs which for my height is under obese category but in physical appearence I am not at all fat, or flabby. She checked my the came back as 1. now it is 5. I have been on Thyroid meds for 6 months have gained 13 pounds and my body fat is up to 30%. I have also done the following test in second day of periods. the homeopathic medicine right to cure it permanently. Please let me know if you need to know of any other symptom and what medicine will be good. My daughter is 5 years old her TSH is 7. 28 in June 2013. I consulted an Endocrinologist who prescribed Thyroxine tablets to me I started from 1 tablet but as I was taking medicines for bipolar disorder therefore therefore it did not work and my TSH was raised to 16. 2015 was 16. I suffer from constipation problem and got piles operated six months after delivery. I request you to suggest homeopathic medicines,dosage and when to take blood tests. I was given two pints of blood and felt great afterwards. I am suffering from hypothyroid. 94 and. Having a bowel movement and blowing my nose are synonymous, one does not happen without the other. Lycopodium Clavatum:This is an excellent homeopathic thyroid Remedy. more. Some sort of gastric trouble like extreme flatulence usually accompanies hair fall in patients requiring this medicine. knee pains are also. I am veg. Im taking thyroxin 50mcg and for hair fall the same doctor recomended me neuromet but now a days im again victim of extreme hair fall. My periods delay 3 to 4 month and very short only for 2 to 3 days. t3 t4 normal. Can Homeopathy cure Hypothyroid and if so how long do we need to take the treatment. and no alcohal for the last 50 yrs. Doctor advised 25mg medicine. But i tested 2 days ago and found out that TSH is 7. I would be most grateful for any suggestions you would be so kind to offer. My main symptoms are puffy face. At 28, I was detected with hypothyroidism and use 50mcg thyrox medicine daily and TSH count is between 2-3 with medication. There are no such symptoms with what i can feeel that i have the thyroid probkem. Now I checked the TSH, and it became 8. weight about 75 kg. Very valuable sugestions for patients as well as torch for practioners. my T3,T4, TSH value is 0. Cannot. At age of 21 I had Hepatitis- B and was cured. please suggest as the urticaria has restricted my life severly. Tired. Then I consult a Medical Specialist and told him the whole story, he advised me to take only 1 tablet of Thyroxine to prevent yourself from Hypothyroidism. Thanks in advance for your help. G- Thyroid test conducted for my wife aged 51 years, found a predominantly cystic nodule measuring 17 x 12mm in left lobe and a small hypoechoic nodule measuring approx. there is hair fall and I like hot climate and cannot tolerate cold. and in semen culture report it was as follow. I take Synthroid, Levothyroxine, an antidepressant and an antianxiety. I have the freezing, the weeping, the lashing out, the massive hair falling out, the constipation, gastro problems, not overweight.

But I want to switch to homeopathy please help. I consulted a physician and after conducting certain tests found my TSH level high 7. In a self-perpetuating vicious cycle leaky gut flares up autoimmune conditions, which in turn further damages the gut lining. I want to take the treatement in homeopathic. 1. Please suggest your valuable advice to get my disease condition cured. Good morning I am currently seeing a homeopath in Pretoria, South Africa She said that my thyroid is under active and me somw drops to use The active ingredients are the following: Avena Sative, Verbscum Thapsus and Gallium Aperine. 8 x4. I also had a nasty ruptured appendix Aug 2014 and wondered if this has affected my fertility. 5 and finally he prescibed me 3 tablets of Thyroxine. obess weight 118kg. I am not on medicines for hypothyroidism. 3 now while T3 and T4 are within the normal range. Tingling in legs n arms. My free t3 level is NIL, tsh 6 and free t4. while she climbs the stairs she becomes full of breath. I was not able to do daily household work due to fatigue and tiredness. 67. Some like to follow it for a short time after accidentally eating gluten, or splurging on too many sweets at a wedding or holiday party. I took thyromed tab 50 mg for two months and TSH became 3. I have been reading on internet that Iodum CM can cure in few dosage and some other like Bromium, etc. plz suggest remady n medicine for it. U. The test taken in Sept shows T4-0. Weight 78. Psorinum may be given to those patients who always feel chilly and even in hot weather desire extra coverings to combat the extreme chilliness. 9 and high uric acid level. Have long history of stomach disorders such as mild gastritis, have frequent urge to pass stool to feel light. 02 Sir please help me and suggest me which medecine i should take. Presence of bearing down sensations in pelvic organs along with excessive menstrual flow is a hallmark in using this medicine to correct menstrual problem. Calcarea Carbonica suits mainly persons complaining of weight gain with excessive perspiration on head and extreme chilliness. I dont know what to tell my daughter to do except to relax and keep a good diet and have moderat exercise and lots of fresh air. On my own I reduced the amount back to 25 because I started to notice hyperthyroidism symptoms. My TPO I got checked on 8. I want to switch to homeopathic medicines to cure it completely. I shoulkd start with the medicines or get the tests done agaiin from other laboratory. 6 ho to konci remedy lani chahiye. 84. Last week i got my blood tests and found out the following results of Thyriods. Im suffering with hypothyroidsm sweat on my fore headshaking hand palpation is v high having hairs on my chin gaining weight on my stomach. Would homeopathy help my daughter to lose weight. I would love to have someone willing to help me. The autoimmune gut-repair diet The goal of this program is remove immune triggers from your diet that promote inflammation and yeast overgrowth in the gut, and intestinal permeability. Towards evening my bp goes up and I feel uneasy. Cinchona Officinalis is yet another useful natural homeopathic medicine for treating menstrual trouble in women suffering from hypothyroidism. night every week. The blood test taken in March shows T4-1. I feel quite cold and feet remain chilled inspite of all massages. i am fair but my hair fall is very much. I am a thyroid patient last 2009 know I am married in 2015 two misgarriage what to do. Since then I am taking different medicine from a psychatrist. TSH is 8. My wish is to be free from taking Levothyroxine 88mcg. My age is 40, Male. plz suggest me what should i do. what you can recommend. My age is 22 since my hair fall is very high I went to a dermotologist. 45 now. The symptoms that guide towards its use for hair fall are excessive craving for salty things, inability to bear the heat of sun. I am concerned because I know how dangerous it can be to mess with the thyroid. i wants to reduce my weight. Sir, I hv thyroid am nt fat, 6 months ago I found dat I hv thyroid at that time tsh was 13 I had home pathic medicine nw I have 24 It arise so many problems. I have gained weight (not obese) even though I am quite active. After two years on medication I recovered fully and have no joint pain, yet by 7 pm I am totally fatigued. 85. I feel cold but do not suffer from constipation. 92 pl help me. The literature identifies nutritional and herbal compounds that can facilitate your gut-repair progress, which I will introduce in the second edition of the thyroid book, or which your practitioner can help you with. I want to be pregnent but still did not get after 8 years of happy marriage life. Now i feel very tired, weak n exhausted, flatulence and irritability has increased. Not to forget I must mention information provided on your blog was of great help. Overall. I weigh 60 KGs for the past 15 years my weight has remained the same. 87 years old and very good health otherwise. In 2003 I had an auto-immune disease which came on suddenly, thought to be the early stages of Lupus. My hair is falling with a rapid speed. now my periods problem solved and i got it at correct time but THS is lvel will not decreased. please give a suggestion for this. now a days I am taking thyronoram 50 mgc,plz suggest. I get irritated very quickly if offended by family members or friends however am very tame with outsiders. I took thyroxin in various doses with no effect. I suffer from Hypothryoid how many times Calcarea Carbonica should be taken per day. Homeopathic medicines Alumina, Nux Vomica and Bryonia Alba for treating the constipation in a person suffering from Hypothyroidism. I am 44 years old suffering from Diabetes. If any other informations are required kindly do send me an email. No hunger for anything still weight is constnt 68kg,with 5feet height. 18. I have hypothyroidism my TSH was more than 100 in Dec 2014. I am a patient of Hypothyroidism and currently I am taking 150 mg Thyroxcine daily. Graphites may be recommended in obese, chilly patients with obstinate constipation. This medicine can also help those women of hypothyroidism who complain of prolonged menses where the menstrual blood is blackish and accompanied by fainting spells. I am 29 years old and married from 4 and half years and have not conceived yet. Raizia is my wife i have married 23 augst 2015. The T3,T4 and TSH levels have been changing. Sweating is high, no constipation usually but flatulence in evening generally. 14 15 days too. is 70 and B. Doctor asked for several tests. Not sleeping. I am suffering from thyroid past more than 6 years. Can homeopathy be taken along with allopathic medication. She is obese, has hair loss, mestrual cycle is irregular, underwent a sugery for ectopic pregnanacy, Please suggest the best mode of treatment for her. And recently started involuntary bladder from last 4 months. It is one of the best homeopathic remedy for hypothyroidism. Now my ankles and feet are swelling since last 3 months. T4- 5. I wish to know if there is any cure for this. My symptoms when I stop taking Synthroid are Palpitation, Breathlessness while lying down, Losing temper, Major mood swings, concentration issue, memory issue hair fall and moderate depression. I then abstained from Thyroxine and discontinue it for two weeks. The patients requiring this medicine are of very irritable nature and cannot bear little contradiction. Please let me know the amount and your bank details. I feel my heart beating a little faster since taking the flax, Vit DD, and bazil nut. 89 and TSH-8. old since two years i always feeling tired having problem of flatulence, breathing, palpitision, doubtful mentality, TSH-15. The person is very weak with yellowish face and blue circles around eyes. T3 and T4 are normal. knee swellen and has pain. S. His wt. e 6. 5, and high uric acid 6. Hello doctor, one year back my doctor diagnosed that i have hypothyroid problem as i went with extreme hair fall problem, and i have lost almost 80% of my hair though new hair grow but hair fall is of thst level in which im unable to recover my loss. Horrible weight gain from past 3 yrs of 25 kg. pls suggest from your side homeopathic medicine. Thank you. Sharma and receive a reply on How Homeopathy can help in treating your illness. Extreme sensitiveness to cold air is always present in the patient. Sugar and blood pressure are on lower side. I have lot of symptoms like constipation, weight gain. TSH range was 7. I have no beard and mustaches pleace help me to cure this. 8 I want to use homeo My feet(down part) is cold and has become very sensitive I have to use socks all the time Skin under my foot has burning sensation all the time Sometime back I had craving for chalk but has reduced now pl suggest whether I can use homeo. Earlier I thought its double chin but it is not so. Lot of hairfall and hair are dry and coarse. I used allopathic medicine with little benefit. The more severe the autoimmune disease the more severe the gut issues, and vice versa. Help Dr Shama I was hyperactive in 2010 took that RAL pill, became hypo, then a year later was diagnosed with Graves Disease. No obvious increased vascularity noted any of the nodules. e 6. Sir, I am diagnosed with two health problemd (i) Fatty liver grade-2 and (ii) Thyroidism TSH Level 15. She was diagnosed to be having TSH level at 9. Can I take calcium and iron capsules along with it. Doctor advised 25mg medicine. I eat much organic foods, eat no meats only fish and sea food, take vitamin supplements and walk for an hour most mornings. I forgot to take my thyroid tablets I wondered why my weight was not coming off. My son is 9yrs old is gaining weight due to thyroid problem. I am suffering with foggy vision in my eyes, high blood pressure and CKD. 4 which is normal rang. My condition becomes worse, weak in limbs and seem helpless. 43. Im suffering with hypothyroidsm sweat on my fore headshaking hand palpation is v high having hairs on my chin gaining weight on my stomach. Sir myself32 yrs female suffering from hypothyroidism and hair loss and wt gain also feel like filled stomach plz tell me treatment for this plz let me know homeopathy medicine for increase the height of my son 12 yrs old. Timidity and inability to take decisions may also be present. She is sweating lot and is also undergoing menopause stage. I am suffering from hypothyroid since my first pregnancy. 5 yrs wt gain 20 kg in this duration. 25. 7 all these together. My normal temp. A year before i started using homeopathic medicine Iodium 30 and left allopathic medicine and my TSH dropped to 3. Next medicine Nux Vomica works well in relieving those cases of constipation where the patient feels constant desire to pass stool but only scanty stool is passed. The following are my symptoms. 0125. plese as god help me. With iodium she was taking calc carb30x and bromium30x. I got my thyroid test done and my reports shows the T3 and T4 are normal whereas my TSH level is above the normal i. Job. Coldness of feet is always present during the menstrual period. My weight always between 69 to 71 kg. The stool is scanty and unsatisfactory where the patient feels constant urge to pass stool but with little evacuation. But I see when I was in gym skin problem of my palm and feet did not occure. There is excessive flatulence in the abdomen with acidity that is mainly worse after taking farinaceous food. 00 and TSH-7. is 70 and B. I believe I have hypothyroidism and I would like to have you get my thyroid back on track. Should i continue with this meficine. I am already on treatment for hypothyroid and taking one tablet of thyrox-50 tablets for more than two years. it used to be 136 at some time. I would be so appreciative for any guidence please. and have constipation always. I was having symptom of body weakness, increased appetite, feverish in the evening, weight gain around abdomen, numbness and heat in feet-sole, feet soles pain after morning walk and have sleepy sensation after meals, no constipated stools but difficulty in having morning sensation. Sometimes, my stool get harder followed by softer stool and vice versa. plz suggested best homeoe medicine. While taking homeopathic medicine do I need to stop the thyronorm completely or slowly the dose will be decreased. Also feel sensations in my lower part of legs. My feet and kind of the rest of my body feel that way for the first 5 minutes after getting up from sleep. Excessive sweating on head is a leading feature for its use in hypothyroid patients. 89, 8. 0 plz tell me any homeopathy treatment her weight is only 18 g she is so weak also. After thyroid operation Doctor consulted to eat Eltroxin 100mcg medicne in morning daily. If so, what is the best course to follow and would you have any recommendations for a good doctor in Trivandrum city, Kerala. I love to eat but have stopped eating as by sugar level rises. sometime I feel shiver in my spinal area. My daughter is 12 years old having hypothyroid which was detected in the last month. I have a hypothyroid problem i am pregnant please give me a homeopathic medicine for high tsh which is safe in pregnancy. Sharma and get a reply on how homeopathy can help you in treating your disease condition. Is there any treatment for thyroid in homeopathy. Severe cramps on left sholder ( back potion of the neck to fingere). I feel my face n eyes swelled in the morning. Only trying to stay fit with home remedies. I was scheduled for a complete physical in a few months and I was researching homeopathic remedy to try before then to see if it made a difference. 2 x 5. 1, 7. Doctor diagnosed me suffering from hypothyroidism and advised to take medicines. Another homeopathic medicine Graphites works well in controlling the weight gain in those persons who are very obese, chilly and suffer from obstinate constipation. Congratulations, if even single patient gets benefit from your theory it shows you are able to remove the pain from distance. My teeth becomes like paper due evasion of calcium in body. I am fed of the hairfall as i look old than of my age. Such patients lack vital heat of body and feel excessively chilly even in a warm room. Kindly suggest me a good medicine in homopathy. 05mg once a day every morning. Sepia Officinalis is also prescribed for controlling the excessive hair fal l due to hypothyroidism, especially in women of menopausal age. Can take cold better than heat. At present, I am taking Thyrox 100 mcg now. Although, i had irregular bowel movements from childhood, now a days it suffers me most. I have not been clinically diagnosed yet, but my symptoms started about 3 months ago and my breast became engorged as if I were pregnant and I have always been slender, I noticed my stomach started to look as if. Kindly suggest us your opinion regarding these medicines. chill fell eye is squent slow growth loss of appetite. Could I use Calcarea Carbonica, Sepia Officinalis, Graphites, andLycopodium Clavatum for my Miniature Schnauzer. My vagina is very dry and sex is painful. I am suffering from hypothyroidism,my tsh is 10. Sharma, I have so many symptoms from my thyroid I am miserable. Kindly suggest me Homeopathic medicine, so that she could use it. The next sphere in which this medicine proves very efficacious is the treatment of constipation in hypothyroid patients. Hi, I am trying to find the right homeopathic remedy for myself, I am hoping you might be willing to help me. vKindly advise treatment and oblige. I am suffering from this disease for more than 10 years. I consulted a physician and started with 25 mcg of thyroxin sodium daily. I would like to have more physical and sexual energy. Autoimmune disease and leaky gut create a vicious cycle A person suffering from autoimmune disease invariably has gut issues. Dear DrHomeo I am suffering from hypothyroid from last 4 years can I ask me hypothyroid desise completely curable treatment by homeopathy medicine. 07, T4- 7. My tsh was 19 when I diagnosed to be having thyroid last year in September. Sir,my tsh level is very more than 150,sir also feeling pain in my toe during i walk. I now take Armour Thyroid, 1 Brazil nut, flax seed oil, and Vit D. Patients requiring Psorinum may also give a history of some sort of skin complaint during their life time. 79. I am 44 years old suffering from Diabetes. My TSH level is 7. TSH is14. I am having Hypothyroid since 10 months, going under medication (thyronorm-125mcg) since 10 months, Here are the most recent thyroid level (T3-1. My TSH value is 13. constipation. I have started thyronorm 25 recommended by allopath Doctor. I am fair. constipation. Nature mostly cool gets irritated ocassionally for moment. Depressed. now my periods is late. I am looking for a permanent cure if possible and get rid of Synthroid. Is there any side effects if i take homeo medicines for long time time. All these are equally good for decreasing the sensitivity towards cold but the selection of the medicine solely depends upon the constitutional symptoms given by the patient. I am 62yr. Need Homio for Epstein Barr and HyPERthyroid for my wife. Urge to eat spicy or fatty food full day and night. He has all the classic signs of Hypothyroidism. having acidity n gastric. Eat frequently enough to avoid the energy crashes of low blood sugar—do not let yourself get hungry, and stay hydrated with plenty of fresh, filtered water. currently i am taking thyronorm 75mg. I am not comfortable. My husbands count was 22. Tsh 9 has recomonded calcarea carb 10 m and thyriodinum200 c wht shod be frequency. Catch cold easily have allergy towards it especially wen getup in morning. and separate medicines given for period. 86. 5, t3 and t4 is normal. Sleep. Remaining reports are normal. I am Hemant from Varanasi 33 yrs old 5. 87 years old and very good health otherwise. Its use is highly recommended in obese people who are always chilly and cannot tolerate cold air. I am putting on a lot of weight having great problems reducing my weight I have severe joint and muscle pains getting impossible to wAlk and lately I have developed planter facitis very painful. have been given Altroxin 100 mcg. Before 4 year my hair loose fastly. And after standard 10th i developped unusual body hair and ironically my hair on haid becoming thin and less in number. Mentally the patient is very depressed, sad and weeps easily on listening to music. I was around 85 but with the homeo i reduced to 68. 70. My lower legs get a very uncomfortable tight feeling when I am really constipated. She is 28 years old. She will complete 24 years this month and in spite of medication, she has been gaining weight over the past 3-4 years. cant tolerate heat or cold. Due to the side effects of my medicine which I am using from 16 years now I am suffered from Thyroidism. My doctor diagnosed me as being a hypothyroid patient. thx dr. I was diagnosed with hypo when I was 13 (now 34) and have been poorly medicated ever since. I am having asthma since when I am 13 and during winter I use inhalers. TSH 12. Comes under cold easily. 25 but I was feeling bitterness of Mania in my mood and behaviour. I am to poor to get any medical and would appreciate any homeopathic suggestions. Fair, fatty n blobby figure. Tolerate. studying in 2nd year. 46. I want to start homeopathy treatment. There are no patent medicines in homeopathy for treating hair fall in a patient of hypothyroidism and the medicine has to be selected depending upon the constitutional symptoms of the patient. The patients requiring Lycopodium usually show excessive craving for hot drinks and sweets. 0. I have been taking levothyroxine na synthroid 0. 90 My age is 50 years. and solution for gastic problem and weight gain problem. For example, can you take both Calcarea Carbonica AND Lycopodium Clavatum at the same time. I have started homeopathy medication since yesterday but I have not seen the prescription. weakness. I also sweat on my head. (january: periods happened in 8th) it didnt happened until now. Sir plz tell me i am suffering from hypothroidism. The stool is insufficient and does not give satisfaction to the patient. Dr Dharma my doughter is suffering hypothyroidism she is now nine year old body is weak. Then I switched over to homeo and took calcarea carbonica, ferrum phosporus and 6 other drugs in combinations for a year. Reduced to 3 in 6 months then with 50mcg thyroxine medicine. I were, my eating pattern remained the same, but I craved salty chips and I seem to be thirsty alot, I went to Dr, today and when I stepped on the scales, I was shocked. 9mm is noted in isthumus. Is if necessary to take medicine for the same. Please suggest medicine for weight loss and Thyroid. Cyst in knee from last 8 years. Is there a cure and how long would it take to get rid of Synthroid. I am hoping you can provide some insight on what a good remedy may be for me to start with. The patient requiring this medicine is fatty, fair complexioned and flabby. I want to control my weight still i m 80 kgs. I get tired very soon, and have reduced stamina over years. I get irritated very quickly if offended by family members or friends however am very tame with outsiders. Please help me and sugest me any medicen that treat my problems. and separate medicines given for period. 59. So, although not diagnosed, my TSH level in dec 2015 was 6. kindly help. The diet must be very basic and simple so as not to trigger inflammation in the intestines and further worsen leaky gut and autoimmune flare-ups. Laboratory Evaluation of Thyroid Function, Indian Thyroid Guidelines, JAPI, January 2011,vol. thanking you. What medicine in homeopathy will work for me, and any medicine to reduce weight. My daughter is 5 feet 2 inches and weighs close to 80 kgs. My age is is 56 yrs. my tsh is 16. I feel tired all the time with periods of high energy. This medicine proves to be very efficacious in women with hypothyroidism who suffer from very profuse menses that continue for long durations and occur earlier than the expected date. thereafter i have been taking the prescribed medicines. I have hypothyroidism my TSH was 7. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is under active and does not produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones required in the body. Now i want to try homeo. Madm I have thyroid problem with Tsh low level and menses come with first 5. plz,reply. Please let me know the treatment and should i consult any doctor directly. Her Latest TSH- 0. 23. 8. Just five month ago we did normal test, it was ok. It was very enlightening to read your excellent article on hypothyroid. Homeopathic medicines for treating menstrual problems in a women suffering from Hypothyroidism. I want my dose to be reduced and supplemented by any homeopathic medicine. while taking homeopathy medicine I feel relief. trembling legs. Excessive perspiration on the head during sleep can accompany this problem, and the patients requiring this medicine are usually obese. My wife have hyperthyroid problem for 10 years. pls reply what should I do with knee cyst. I usually dont have costipation rather its the diaohrrea mostly. The long standing constipation where the stool is hard and passes with great difficulty in lumps can be treated with this medicine. My wife is suffering form thyriod i want to treatment under homeopathy so how to decide to which type of thyroid through testing repor of tyroid. Blood report says tsh 3g is 9. kindly suggest. the entire 2014, 2015 went without medicines amd at regular intervals of testing the thyroid was normal. I m 48 years and suffering from hypothyroid from last 6-7 years. 8,. Sir my age is 25years i am a thyroid passiont. Sir my TSH level is high by 2 point and T3 level is low by 3 point and T4 level is normal according to report. Age: 33 married having this issue since 2. indigestion. I never gained weight thankfully. and no alcohal for the last 50 yrs. The patient requiring this medicine is usually of reserved nature and may show weeping tendencies especially when alone. constipation. Remaining reports are normal. Have obesity with hairfall with urinary recurrent and abdominal complaints. Please suggest which medicines are to be taken to reduce the TSH Level. Please do suggest something what to do, i want my health back, thanks. Others are happy to make it a way of life because it allows them to feel and function their best. 5 mg of Levotheroxin which after three years was upped to 25 and after a year and a half to 50 mg synthroid. I have been prescribed 80 mg Propranolol once a day in the morning. and aged 48. There is another unusual symptom, my both hands and fingers of the hand becomes more complexioned than other parts of the body. I wish to find out the chronic homeopathic medicine of Rhus Tox. If any payment is to be made please let me have the details. I am taking 50mcg thyronorm Now tsh is 8. 88. By calming inflammation in the gut, you will be able to better calm inflammation throughout the body and brain, including autoimmune flare-ups. Just five month ago we did normal test, it was ok. Bloated feeling in the stomach after eating is also present. Her current dosage per day is around 116 mg of thyroxine. 00 SO tell me some medicine my wight is 35kg. In March, 2005 Hypothyroidism was diagnosed to me with TSH of 12. I am suffering last 25 days from thyroid disease when my nack soil then i can understand problem in my body. giddiness. old suffering from Hypothyroidism TSH is 8. I had ayurvedic intervention a few years ago which took care of my PCOS. This medicine can help in treating the menstrual complaints in patients of hypothyroidism where the menses appear too early and are copious in nature. 2 and motility was 20%. snoring during sleeps. My daughter age 22 married having problem of high prolactin and breast leaking while she is not pregnant not feeding. Please suggest a suitable remedy with potency and dosage. But BP and rosuvastatin 10 are fr last 5 years. My head hurt n I feel sleepy all the Time. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carbonica can help where the women complain of heavy bleeding during menses along with extremely cold feet during the flow. She is feeling the bit better but the major changes which have surfaced are that she did not have periods in last two moths. I want to convince also but dr tell me I have pocs. He was a premature baby and ever since he was born my mind has been fully on him worrying about his heath and hosp appointments. There is constipation with difficult, hard, incomplete stool. I have done blood test and the report shows TSH 7. The patient requiring this medicine is fair complexioned, fatty and flabby. Therefore, we would like to continue the Homeopathy Treatment. A lot. I feel quite cold and feet remain chilled inspite of all massages. I am a female height 5. pricribed 25mg medicine. Hashimoto and feeling as a sudden head nock for a few secpnds then unstable and depression fpr some hpurs. But TSH is 7. I would like to seek your advise on my Thyroid profile. Thanks, DR. I am presently taking 75mcg thyronorm and my T3,T4, TSH levels are normal. advice to control Blood sugar and Hypothyroidism. From hypo in Feb16 I went to hyper in May16. 8 in may 2015 but still was having variety of troubles. Excessive sweating on the head usually at night time is also a very prominent symptom guiding towards using this medicine in weight gain. My wife is having thyroxine problem in whole body and at the moment she is under treatment, but due to the western medicine treatment her cholosterol percentage is going up. I am depressed, with suicidal thoughts, and have lost a significant amount of my front hairline. There are no such symptoms with what i can feeel that i have the thyroid probkem. know on my face there is swelling near neck also also swelling also I get breathing problems also hair fall. I would like to know if this is the correct drops to use. I drink coffee (one cup) and some alcohol, and eat very little gluten. Hallo sir I m suffering from hypothyroid since 10 years, my tsh is-2. My T3 and T4 is normal but my TSH is very high my TSH IS 18. Hello Dr I am suffering from thyroid last 30 years, I am very weak, now I am suffering from vertigo, please suggest any homeopathy medicine. to take for winter time cold feet and hands. The patients requiring this medicine are very weak, have a pale yellow face and faint very easily especially on exposure to excessive cold temperature. I am suffering from weight gain, hairfall, dry skin. 4 and T4 level is 14. I am fit and healthy but i have grown a pot belly and also put on a lot of weight only around the belly. After some time i also had developped an peculiar acidic problem. 70. P 65 to 120 most of the time. I have always been under 120 lbs, it was 15 lbs. please suggest me better medicine. Then the Endocrinologist suggested me take 2 tablets of Thyroxine but my TSH was not falling from 5. My completion is getting dark day by day and my hairs are getting weak anand thin. This cold feet problem causes symptom like frost bite. We are not sure if this is leading to symtoms that mimic mental illness but she has wild mood swings and inability to focus on anything. Thanks for your co-operation rendered on my request. I have slight difficulty in swallow hard food. 7, I feel dizziness, my weight is101 kg, hair fall, flatulence afternoon and early morning etc, My age is 40, male, doing govt. During. her weight was 45Kgs now her weight is 59Kgs. Dizzy I feel like Iam gonna fall anytime n. This means i am suffering from thyroid disease. I consulted a physician and after conducting certain tests found my TSH level high 7. Blood pressure tabs give me servers side effects. 2. Especially if there is a lot of depression. Her TSH level has come down to 6. Sepia Officinalis is an excellent medicine to deal with menstrual problems due to hypothyroidism where the menses are very profuse and appear very early. Patient requiring this medicine passes many days without going for stool, he feels no desire for stool until a large accumulation has occurred in intestines. 8 and taking thyroxin 50 mg for 5 years. No energy. Could you pelase let me know if there is a permanent cure. Specially, on the winter season (here, in India) i always develop cold feet which lasts from morning to night. The menstrual complaints are always accompanied by bearing down sensations in pelvis where the patient feels as if the pelvic organs will come out through the vulva and always sit with cross legs to prevent the escape.

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